Welcome Back from Easter Break!
Upcoming for the Week of 4/24/17
Tuesday - Reading vocabulary quiz; Language quiz on adjectives
Wednesday - Math quiz geometry; History open book quiz on 11.3
Thursday - Bible memory verse due Ps 91:5-6; Language test on adjectives (open book)
Friday - Health quiz chap 1; Spelling Test #32 (no pre-test this week)
Spring Fling Baskets
Items for the 6th Grade Spring Fling Basket are due on Friday, 4/28. Our theme is primitives/candles. This is a big fundraiser for our school. Your donations are GREATLY appreciated.
Drive to Support Your School
Mid-state Ford will be the site of our next fundraiser on Saturday, 4/29. Please come out to test drive a vehicle and our school receives a donation. No sales pitches!! We will also have baked goods, hotdogs, and baskets. If you would like to donate a baked good or come to help, please let the office know or contact me. Thank you for your support!!
Field Trip Permission Slips
Please return your permission slips for our field trip on Friday, 5/12, to Valley World of Fun. Slips have been distributed to the students but if you need another copy please let me know.
hi miss. kennan this is glen I'm probaly not gonna be there tomorrow. pray for me