Upcoming for the Week of 1/23/17
Monday - Science Test 4.1-4.4
Tuesday - Spelling pretest list 21; History Test Chap 6 (open book)
Wednesday - Science Quiz 4.5-4.6; Spelling test list 21 (if necessary)
Thursday - Reading Quiz 9 Vocabulary words; Math Quiz
Spirit Week!!
We will be celebrating Homecoming on Friday, 1/27, with many events planned all week!
Monday - Color Rush
Tuesday - Tacky Tourist Tuesday
Wednesday - Jersey or College Team Day
Thursday - Ugly Tie Day
Friday - School Spirit Day
On Friday at 10:00 we will hold our Pep Rally. Join us to watch the lip synch contest. Games will begin at 2:00. The concession stand will be open.
Class contests begin on Monday. Remember to bring in your pennies for the "Penny War".
Special Memory Verse
Practice the special Bible Memory Verse - Deu. 20:4 - and be ready to recite it at anytime!!!
WV Young Writers
We will be working on the WV Young Writers entry on Monday to Wednesday in class. The entry must be 501-700 words. Have your idea ready on Monday to begin the project.
Bring in a copy of this blog or a signed note from a parent on MONDAY to receive three stickers.